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Essay “The Dangers of Modern Life” - Сочинение №16934

«Essay “The Dangers of Modern Life”» - Сочинение

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Автор: Missy


People believed for a long time that whatever we did the Earth would remain the same. We know now that it isn’t true.


Nature is under threat and one of the most important problems is an ecological one.


People must begin to realize that these problems are not somebody else’s. So we all need to work together to safe our life.

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Тема: «Essay “The Dangers of Modern Life”»
Раздел: Иностранные языки
Тип: Сочинение
Страниц: 1
Цена: 250 руб.
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    03.00.05 –botany
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    -in phylological sciences:
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    10.02.05 –Roman languages;
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    09.00.01 – ontology and epistemology;
    10.01.02 –literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Tatar Literature);
    10.01.03 – foreign Literature (English-American);
    10.02.02 – languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Bashkir);
    10.02.04 – Germanic Languages (English);
    10.02.19 – theory of the language;
    - in pedagogical sciences:
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    (Russian and Bashkir languages; physics);
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